Probability diagnosis
Infant ‘colic’ (2–16 weeks)
Gastroenteritis (all ages)
Serious disorders not to be missed
Pitfalls (often missed)
Infection: mumps, tonsillitis, pneumonia (esp. right lower lobe), EBM, UTI, hepatitis
Adnexal disorders in females (e.g. ovarian)
Masquerades checklist
Psychogenic consideration
Differentiate the severe problems demanding surgery from the non-surgical ones. About 1 in 15 will have a surgical cause for pain. The causes are often age specific so a family history is important.
Note general appearance, vital signs and oral cavity
Abdominal examination: inspection, auscultation, palpation and percussion (in that order)
Rectal examination is mandatory: look for constipation including impacted faeces
Examine lungs, especially if lower lobe pneumonia suspected
Consider gentle abdominal palpation with a soft toy
Rule out urinary infection with urinalysis. Blood, protein and leucocytes may all be present with acute appendicitis. Nitrites are more specific for UTIs
Scanning according to findings
Imaging (e.g. oxygen/barium enema) as appropriate
Consider mesenteric adenitis in a flushed febrile child with an URTI or tonsillitis.
Vomiting occurs in at least 80% of children with appendicitis and diarrhoea in about 20%.
A pale infant with severe colic and vomiting indicates acute intussusception.