Probability diagnosis
Serious disorders not to be missed
lung, oropharynx, larynx, stomach, nose, leukaemia
Blood dyscrasias/leukaemia
Pitfalls (often missed)
Nasal and sinus infection
Masquerades checklist
Drugs (e.g. antidepressants, isosorbide)
Is the patient trying to tell me something?
Possible manifestation of psychogenic disorder (e.g. depression).
General health
Respiratory history
Gastrointestinal history including dry mouth and reflux
Dental history
Drug history including OTC preparations, alcohol and smoking
Dietary history: ask about onions, garlic, peppers, curries, spicy salami and similar meats, strong cheeses and water intake
Psychosocial history
Urine analysis
Blood sugar
Kidney function tests
Liver function tests
X-ray of sinuses
Consider CT scan sinuses
If cause is unknown refer to a dental surgeon; consider an ENT opinion.
Bacterial putrefaction of dental and food debris plus inflammation of the gums are largely responsible for oral malodour.
Smoking, alcohol and a dry mouth all aggravate the problem.
One survey indicated that 87% had an oral cause, 8% ENT and 5% an unidentified cause.