Probability diagnosis
Haemorrhoids/perianal haematoma
Excoriated skin (anal pruritus)
Serious disorders not to be missed
colorectal, caecum
villous adenoma
Pitfalls (often missed)
Anal trauma (accidental/non-accidental)
Meckel diverticulum
solitary ulcer of rectum
Nature of the bleed, including fresh versus altered blood, mixed with faeces and/or mucus, in toilet bowl or on underwear. Quantity of bleeding: slight, moderate or torrential. Associated symptoms (e.g. weight loss, constipation, diarrhoea, pain, weakness, presence of lumps, urgency, unsatisfied defecation, recent change of bowel habit).
General inspection (evidence of anaemia) and vital signs
Abnormal examination, anal inspection, digital rectal examination, proctosigmoidoscopy
Stool M&C
Faecal occult blood
Consider abdominal X-ray, CT colonography, angiography, small bowel enema (depending on clinical findings)
Black, tarry (melaena) stool indicates bleeding from upper GIT: rare distal to lower ileum.
Frequent passage of blood and mucus indicates a rectal tumour or proctitis.
If substantial haemorrhage, consider diverticular disease, angiodysplasia or more proximal lesions (e.g. Meckel diverticulum, duodenal ulcers).
New bleeding age >55 years demands colonic investigation.
80% of rectal tumours are within fingertip range.
In young adults, diagnosis is likely to be haemorrhoids or a fissure.