Probability diagnosis
Trauma including haematoma, haematocele
Torsion of a testicular appendage
Serious disorders not to be missed
Pitfalls (often missed)
Referred pain (e.g. spine, ureteric colic, abdominal aorta)
Determine any pre-existing predisposing factors such as lumps or history of trauma. Check travel history, sexual history.
Examine and contrast both sides of the scrotum, including the inguinal and femoral hernial orifices, the spermatic cord, testis and epididymis
Examine the patient standing and supine
A painful testis should be elevated gently to determine if the pain improves
Useful investigations include:
Torsion of the testis is the most common cause of acute scrotal pain in infancy and childhood.
Think of it with lower abdominal pain and/or vomiting.
A varicocele can cause testicular discomfort—examine the patient in the standing position.
sudden onset pain
non-reductible hernia
erythema of scrotum or perineum
systemic vascular symptoms, e.g. hypotension, pallor.