It is in the Emergency Medicine Departments of hospitals that the most acute, traumatic, and challenging situations, for both patients and staff, occur. And it is also in this field that the need for a practical guide is of the utmost importance. Associate Professors Shirley Ooi and Peter Manning and Dr Matthew Low, from the National University Hospital of Singapore, have provided just such a book.
It has been elegantly targeted at readers of different levels. There is a basic level for the medical student, and an advanced level for the residents and specialists. Additional Special Tips for GPs sections in every chapter target general practitioners.
It is a practical and authoritative text designed for use on the “shop floor”, it is just the right size to be portable, while digitization assures completeness and referencing. Through a series of QR codes additional material has been made available to the reader, in particular full-colour photos, videos and more advanced chapters. Most of the chapters have been enhanced, for instance Part 2J Dermatologic Emergencies offers more than 80 photos, compared to the 30 available in the previous edition. 9 new chapters have been added to this Third Edition.
The intent of guiding clinical decision making is also apparent in the form of the text. There are many tables and algorithms, which are critical to Emergency Medicine to aid clinical processes. With the same goal, clear dosages of drugs are given so that they can be easily referenced while attending to an emergency.
The authors are practising master clinicians, and this comes across in the clinical guides, where the rationale and clinical reasoning are succinct and clear. The two original editors, Associate Professors Shirley Ooi and Peter Manning, bring with them a combined wealth of 84 years of experience in Emergency Medicine! In this edition they are joined by Dr Matthew Low, an MBBS (Honours) graduate from the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, and recipient of the 2018 Alison Gourdie Medal for the best examination candidate to the MRCEM (Membership of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, United Kingdom).
Since it was originally published, in 2004, this book has been extremely successful worldwide, and this can be read as a clear recognition of the quality of this work.
This Third Edition will be a great tool for both students and practising clinicians to help them save lives in the extremely challenging discipline of Emergency Medicine.
MBBS (Singapore), FRCS (Glas), FAMS
Senior Consultant, Department of Hand & Reconstructive Microsurgery
National University Hospital, Singapore
Professor, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore
Dean, Healthcare Leadership College
Ministry of Health Holdings Pte Ltd, Singapore