RT Book, Section A1 Murtagh, John A1 Rosenblatt, Jill A1 Coleman, Justin A1 Murtagh, Clare SR Print(0) ID 1186897890 T1 Cough T2 John Murtagh’s General Practice, 8th Edition YR 2022 FD 2022 PB McGraw-Hill Education PP New York, NY SN 9781743768235 LK accessworldmed.mhmedical.com/content.aspx?aid=1186897890 RD 2025/02/12 AB I bounded into bed. The bound made me cough—I spat—it tasted strange—it was bright red blood—I don’t want to find this is real consumption—I shan’t have my work written. That’s what matters. How unbearable it would be to die—nothing real finished.KATHERINE MANSFIELD (1888–1923), DIARY ENTRY 1918